To:- All the Students from Batch 2018/2019
Collection of Admission cards
Dear Students, This is to inform all students that the admission cards for the upcoming BICT Honours Degree Examination – 2022- Level IV Second Semester-2025 are now available for collection.
Please take note of the following details:
Report any discrepancies immediately. Failure to collect the admission card within the stipulated dates may result in disqualification from appearing for the exams.
To:- All Second-year students of the Faculty of Technological Studies.
Renewal of Registration for the Academic year-2022/2023
All Second-year students of the Faculty of Technological Studies are required to renew the registration for the Academic year 2022/2023 and you are hereby informed to submit the application from at the Dean’s office on or before 30th November 2024.
Further to inform you that the Renewal of Registration fee of Rs.150.00 and medical fee 250.00 should be paid at the shroff counter Finance Branch, University of Vavuniya.
You must submit the deposit slip and application from to the Senior Assistant Registrar of the Faculty along with your Record Book.
The Application forms are available at the Dean’s office, Faculty of Technological Studies.
Examination Admission Cards
Faculty of Technological Studies
BICT Honours Degree Examination 2021 Level 2 Semester 1 (New Syllabus & Old Syllabus).
BICT Honours Degree Examination 2021 Level 3 Semester 1 (New Syllabus & Old Syllabus).
BICT Honours Degree Examination 2021 Level 4 Semester 1 (Old Syllabus).
BICT Honours Degree Examination 2021 Level 1 Semester 2 (New Syllabus).
Students who are going to sit for the above forthcoming Examinations are requested to collect their Admission Cards during the office hours at the Dean’s office, Faculty of Technological Studies, producing your students Identity Cards.
Please avoid last minute rush.